Legacy of Leadership
Our founders, Carl Barton and Arnold Malow, and the leaders who succeeded them have helped shape our history, culture, and story. Through historical photos, personal accounts, and more that have been recorded and preserved, we explore the legacy of our success.
Centennial Video Series
Team members from past and present share their personal stories from their time at Barton Malow, reflections on the organization throughout its 100-year history, and where we are headed next.

Barton Malow's Heritage
1924 - 2010
Who were Barton and Malow? Find out in the story that covers the organization’s earliest days and into the 21st century, as told by former President and Chairman Ben Maibach Jr., and Chief Community Officer Ben Maibach III.

Historical Highlights
Since our founding one century ago, Barton Malow has collected its fair share of artifacts, photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and more. Take a peek into our archives from the past 100 years.

The C. O. Barton Planner
Did you know the average concrete laborer was paid $0.60 an hour in the 1930s? Thanks to this treasured piece of Barton Malow memorabilia, we get a look back at the early days of the construction industry.

Anniversary Artifacts
As we’ve reached milestones through the years, there have been several interesting artifacts created for previous celebrations that take us back to what it was like 10, 25, and 50 years ago. Explore some of the ways we’ve commemorated anniversaries through the years in this historical highlight.

Tools of the Trade
The industry has changed a lot since we opened our doors in 1924. Learn more about how it used to be done with some of the old tools of the trade we’ve found at our headquarters.

Project Artifacts
After completing countless projects, we’ve accumulated quite a cache of souvenirs. Check out some of the more unique items we’ve collected over the years.

Logos Through the Years
Barton Malow's logo is more than just a symbol. It helps tell the story of who we are, what we stand for, and where we are going.
From the Archive
Dick Marburger (left) with Ben Maibach Jr. (right) at the Lawrence Institute of Technology's Wayne H. Buell Building - 1982
President Ben Maibach III inspecting world's largest copper roof installation at Domino's Farms World Headquarters in the 1980s.
Ben Maibach Jr. (middle left) + Arnold Malow (middle right) at Detroit's Post Office dedication - 1960